Following its grand unveiling at the Ravenwood annual conference, the Nobac ‘Stacker’ is now officially launched, joining Ravenwood’s impressive line-up of linerless applicators.

The Stacker suits many sectors and product applications, but largely Ravenwood see this appealing to the ‘cottage’ industries that want to opt for a greener type of labelling. The label stacking machine offers the perfect solution for hand applying low volume linerless labels. Ideal for labelling a diverse range of products for general application, and for adding promotional labels at key stages of the product’s life cycle.

The Stacker should also prove popular with Ravenwood’s printer partners. The machine can be used to cut labels produced on Ravenwood’s Com500 Coater, for presenting to customers at design stage. Many printers hand cut their labels, so the addition of a Stacker will save on time, allowing a speedier production process.

Marc Lindup, Ravenwood’s Technical Director said: “The Stacker cuts and stacks linerless labels at a rate of 100 per minute to a stacked height of 140mm, dependent on label gsm, in one smooth operation.

He added: “It’s very user-friendly and the footprint of the machine is very compact, at just under one metre in width.”

Ravenwood has its own Stacker for providing label samples to its distributors, printer partners and prospective customers. Previously, Ravenwood would use a standard Nobac 500, operated by a trained Engineer. This proved restricting if an Engineer was not present or when labels were required at short notice. With simple guidance, the Stacker can be operated by all staff. It also alleviates the need for cutting labels by hand.

Ravenwood was founded in 2004 by Paul Beamish. The company employs 30 people with their HQ based in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. The Nobac 500 is their flagship linerless applicator. Linerless labels do not feature backing paper. Eliminating the liner, carries many benefits; less waste, reduced landfill disposal costs and a much reduced carbon footprint. Compared to self-adhesive, linerless offers a more environmentally friendly and sustainable process of labelling. In addition to the Nobac range, the company build and manufacture the Com500 Coater and VXR x-ray inspection system.

For further information on the Stacker, quotations and lead times on build and delivery, contact Natalie Bell, Marketing & Events Manager on +44(0)1284 749144.

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