The almighty Nobac 500 is Ravenwood’s flagship applicator and the first prototype to go into production when Ravenwood was founded in 2004.
Today’s ‘500’ is still based on the same design but due to industry demands and changes in buyer behaviour over recent years, the company has evolved the original ‘500’ concept. Many machine variants are now available for applying a multitude of different linerless label formats.
What is Linerless?
Linerless has been around for over a decade now. The labels are unique in that they eliminate the need for wasteful, non-recyclable backing papers destined for landfill. Processing this waste proves both costly and time consuming. So the good news is, from a sustainability angle, this labelling is taking centre stage. And rightly so, as the world of packaging is going all out to be ‘seen as green’. Linerless labels are set to stick around – enlighten yourself further here : ’10 Reasons for Choosing Linerless Labels’.
‘500’ Flexible Formats
The Nobac 500 sleever is an inline machine, designed for maximum flexibility. Quick changeovers between wrap formats are achieved by eliminating the need to turn the packs. The ‘500’ and its counterparts are also capable of applying sleeves in many different formats including:
- Top
- Top and Side
- C-wrap
- D-wrap
- Full Wrap
- Skin Pack
- Skin Pack Protruding
- Skin Pack Super Protruding – up to 100mm above the height of the tray
- Ready Meal
- Salami and Haggis
And what’s more, the ‘500’ offers great versatility in terms of label materials. These include board, paper and synthetic substrates. And by printing at the point of application, means that wasted printed labels on changeovers are greatly reduced. Ravenwood has also developed a twin-head machine for non-stop high speed labelling.
‘500’ Functionality
In addition to sleeving fixed weight products, there’s the added benefit of linking the ‘500’ to weigh scales. These scales allow for variable weight products as well as check weighing. It’s great that production speeds are not compromised in fixed weight mode. Ranging from 100-140ppm is achievable, although much relies on tray size. And in variable weight systems, linking to the latest weigh scales over 100ppm is also possible.
‘500’ End of Line
Adding vital information such as expiry dates, weights and batch numbers are essential for providing detailed information about the product itself. Additionally, bar codes are now crucial for track and traceability – worth every penny, especially when faced with costly product recalls. Ravenwood partner with an approved supplier network for printing this information by way of coding technology. With fast moving lines and frequent changeovers, coding equipment offers a fail-safe step up from less flexible, non-digital methods. And if you require RFID labels, Ravenwood offers Trojan technology as an ‘add-on’ machine as well. The Trojan is an extremely small and cost effective label applicator. Both the Coder and Trojan are ideal for incorporating into end of line labelling requirements.
‘500’ Global Footprint
The Nobac 500 has been developed for today’s food retailers and packers and is the first choice of many high profile brands. With over 1,500 machines sold worldwide and in excess of 14 billion applications every year, you could say the ‘500’ is a global authority in the ‘Land of Linerless Labels’. Our labels can be found across Europe, Asia, America and Russia.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
Our customers are privy to a complete support package. Servicing, parts and technical assistance come as standard with our field-based Raveneers always on standby. Furthermore, we offer a break down and call-out service, should the need arise. And our well-stocked cupboard is bursting with spare parts which can be rushed to you on a next day delivery. Dedicated and bespoke training packages are also available.
To find our more on the Nobac 500 and other machine variants in the range, contact us or call us on +44()0)1284 749144.
Our new website is now live so you can also visit our Nobac 500 page to view all of the models available.

Nobac 500 linerless applicator