Labelexpo Europe, proved yet again to be a great success for Ravenwood Packaging and its network of raw material suppliers.
The company reported large numbers of visitors to their stand at Labelexpo including their supplier network who represent different disciplines within the label industry chain. Ravenwood decided to do its own linerless trail this year with very positive results.
Taking centre stage on the Ravenwood stand was the imposing Com500 Coater on their life-sized labelling video wall. The Nobac 500R ready meal machine and Nobac 125 were also proudly on demo. There was much interest in the Nobac 500R which automatically applies ready meal sleeves that come supplied on a roll. Alleviating the need for manual application.
The company also hosted their very own linerless trail; the ‘Quest for the Circle of Linerless’, commandeered by ‘Sir Fauxalot’ – mascot and member of the Fauxlafel family. The trail encouraged people to visit all of Ravenwood’s raw material suppliers at Labelexpo in the ‘Circle of Linerless’. These included Ashland, Antalis, Evonik, Innovia Films and Henkel. A considerable amount of visitors embarked on the trail, proving that the interest in their linerless technology is continuing to gain momentum. All who embarked were entered into a prize draw to win a B&O speaker – winner to be announced shortly.
Overall, visitors to the Ravenwood stand were mostly from the European community but they also welcomed interested parties from India, Philippines, Brazil, and Japan. The number of leads the company gained also succeeded previous years and the same was reported from their network of suppliers – not only in terms of linerless but with regards to interest in their own raw print materials/products.
MD Paul Beamish said: “This show still proudly holds pride of place as being the biggest packaging and labelling show in the world. We found this to be clearly evident due to the sheer amount of quality leads and the type of visitors we welcomed to our stand. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that so many label printers are experiencing a marked increase in linerless label enquiries as a direct result of packaging and labelling specialists looking to streamline production. With no backing paper, liner waste is eliminated as well as the disposal, so saving on space and cost.”
Innovia Films reported that their BOPP alternative for paper, PVC, PE85 and PET in terms of linerless label technology proved extremely popular. Innovia featured a thick film, showcasing the material as an alternative to paper on their display stand where visitors were given the opportunity to handle both the tray and assess the label material, and application itself. The combination sparked much interest with Innovia directing people to the Ravenwood stand resulting in increased visitor traffic.
Lauren Shimmin, Assistant Communications Manager at Innovia Films said: “The Linerless pod was very busy throughout the show, proving this disruptive technology is very clearly gaining interest. Our films offer the market outstanding performance for wet and frozen environments, and for the Brand Manager to showcase their products.”
Evonik’s Marketing Manager, Annegret Lange, also welcomed a great number of visitors to their stand with regards to linerless and their release coating technology.
With nine halls, the show itself proved to be even bigger than 2015 with Labelexpo reporting in excess of 600 exhibitors and 37,000 visitors in total. Compared to the 2015 event, there was a marked increase with machinery demonstrations and many new product launches.
Ravenwood’s linerless technology is becoming increasingly popular as the go-to label of choice for many food manufacturers. Linerless is the eco-friendly replacement for traditional labels that carry non-recyclable wasteful backing paper. With 20 years of linerless experience and a range of labelling solutions to help increase production efficiency, the company can tackle almost any packaging challenge in the food sector; from fish and meat, to fresh fruits and vegetables including dairy, ready meals and bakery.
For further information, contact Natalie Bell on +44 (0)1284 749144. Visit our main website (new site currently under construction) or visit our Contact page.

MD, Paul Beamish explaining how our Com500 Coater creates linerless labels…

Commercial Director Dave Gooding, by our linerless trail station…

‘Sir Fauxalot’, ‘Sovereign of Linerless’ and Leader of the Fauxlafels – ready and waiting to commandeer our linerless trail…